The Army of Duchy of Warsaw
L`Armée Du Duché De Varsovie
Die Armee des Herzogtums Warschau
The following pages are dedicated to Polish Army of Napoleonic Era and its uniforms.
Jan V. Chelminski and A. Malibran published a lavishly illustrated two-volumes set in 1913 which was limited to 1000 copies. Most recently this book has been reproduced first time.
A. Malibran wrote a history of this army. Jan V. Chelminski painted 48 colour-plates of which 32 will be published in (thumbnail)-galleries here. I choose plates I assume most interesting, leaving out schools, medical service or well known uniforms as 1. Lancer Regiment of French Guard.
Each picture can be enlarged.
I think these pictures are not only of a certain quality and beauty, but in fact the only existing copy of a probably lost eyewitness source. According to reference in avant-propos there was a polish officer, named Roman Rupniecki, who painted in 1810 a set of aquarelles. These paintings have been used for the plates.
For those interested in Army of Duchy of Warsaw I recommend the really great folio books of Ryszard Morawski and Henryk Wielecki on Cavalry and on General staff, Artillery, Lancers and - most recently - Infantry of the Duchy published by Bellona. They should be still - at least - available from ebay or .
Though of polish language desciptions of really gorgeous colour plates are bi- or even trilingual and there is a summary of other text in french and english.